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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Transformando "First conditional" em "Third conditional sentence"

Transformem as seguintes frases do "first conditional" em "third conditional"

(1) I will buy a house if I have money  
I would have bought a house if I had had money

(2) I will send you an email if I repair my computer  
I would have sent you an email if I had repaired my computer

(3) I will invite you to my wedding if I print the invitation card  
I would have invited you to my wedding if I had printed the invitation card

(4) I will visit you if you want me to  
I would have visited you if you had wanted me to come

(5) I will eat food if I am hungry   
I would have eaten food if I had been hungry

(6) I will give you a ride if I have a car
I would have given you a ride if I had had a car  

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