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Monday, November 2, 2015

Identificando first conditional sentences

Quais são frases que representam first conditional sentences?

(1) I know your name and I will call you
(2) If I know your name, I will call you
(3) I knew your name and I will call you
(4) If I knew your name, I would call you 

(1) I will sing the music after listening to it
(2) I would sing the music if I listen to it
(3) I will sing the music if I listen to it
(4) I would listen to the music if I listened to it

(1) Tell me the television program and I will watch it
(2) Tell me the television program and I would watch it
(3) If you tell me the television program, I will watch it
(4) If you told me the television program, I will watch it  

(1) I will eat food if you give me
(2) I would eat food if you gave
(3) Give me food and I will eat it
(4) I would have eaten food if you give me  

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