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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Comparando frases no presente e no passado

Quais são as diferenças entre as seguintes pares de frases, sendo uma usada no presente e outra, no passado? 

(1) I go to work everyday
(1) I went to work yesterday
(2) I eat feijoada on weekends
(2) I ate feijoada last weekend
(3) I generally sleep at 22:00
(3) I slept at 22:00 on Monday
(4) I call my mother whenever I am sick
(4) I called my mother last week when I was sick
(5) I read many books about fiction
(5) I read many books about fiction when I was a teen.
(6) I watch soccer games on television every week
(6) I watched soccer game on television last Sunday


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