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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Business English: Business Legal Structure - nível avançado

Business English: Business Legal Structure - nível avançado: BUSINESS LEGAL STRUCTURE How are businesses structured legally? Write down the categories under which one can register a company.

Business Legal Structure - nível avançado

How are businesses structured legally? Write down the categories under which one can register a company.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Business English: Comparando frases no presente e no passado

Business English: Comparando frases no presente e no passado: Quais são as diferenças entre as seguintes pares de frases, sendo uma usada no presente e outra, no passado?  (1) I go to work everyday...

Comparando frases no presente e no passado

Quais são as diferenças entre as seguintes pares de frases, sendo uma usada no presente e outra, no passado? 

(1) I go to work everyday
(1) I went to work yesterday
(2) I eat feijoada on weekends
(2) I ate feijoada last weekend
(3) I generally sleep at 22:00
(3) I slept at 22:00 on Monday
(4) I call my mother whenever I am sick
(4) I called my mother last week when I was sick
(5) I read many books about fiction
(5) I read many books about fiction when I was a teen.
(6) I watch soccer games on television every week
(6) I watched soccer game on television last Sunday


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Business English: Third conditional sentence

Business English: Third conditional sentence: Qual é o siginificado do "third conditional sentence"? "Third conditional sentence" representa que o evento não se real...

Third conditional sentence

Qual é o siginificado do "third conditional sentence"? "Third conditional sentence" representa que o evento não se realizou no passado. Enquanto o second conditional sentence relata o evento sem possibilidade de acontecer no presente, o "third conditional sentence" representa a mesma situação, porém, no passado. 
     Pode enviar suas perguntas se tiver alguma dúvida.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Business English: O que significa "third conditional sentence"?

Business English: O que significa "third conditional sentence"?: Third conditional sentence significa evento que não se realizou no passado. Aqui estão alguns exemplos de exercício anterior. (1)  I  wou...

O que significa "third conditional sentence"?

Third conditional sentence significa evento que não se realizou no passado. Aqui estão alguns exemplos de exercício anterior.

(1) would have bought a house if I had had money (Eu iria comprar casa se tivesse dinheiro)
Significado: nem comprei casa porque eu não tinha dinheiro na época. 

(2) would have sent you an email if I had repaired my computer
Significado: Nem foi encaminhado o computador porque nem tinha consertado 

(3) I would have invited you to my wedding if I had printed the invitation card
Significado: Nem tinha imprimido o convite e por isso, nem convidei você

(4) would have visited you if you had wanted me to come
Significado: Eu iria te visitado se você tivesse querendo

(5) would have eaten food if I had been hungry
Significa: Eu iria te comido a comida se tivesse com fome

(6) I would have given you a ride if I had had a car 
Significa: Nem tinha o carro e por isso que eu nem tinha dado carona para você

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Business English: Identificação de "third conditional sentences"

Business English: Identificação de "third conditional sentences": 'Third conditional sentences' são sempre identificadas pelas as seguintes frases sublinhadas. (1)  I would have bought a house i...

Identificação de "third conditional sentences"

'Third conditional sentences' são sempre identificadas pelas as seguintes frases sublinhadas.

(1) I would have bought a house if I had had money

(2) I would have sent you an email if I had repaired my computer

(3) I would have invited you to my wedding if I had printed the invitation card

(4) I would have visited you if you had wanted me to come

(5) I would have eaten food if I had been hungry

(6) I would have given you a ride if I had had a car 

De um lado, tem would + present perfect enquanto outro lado tem past perfect.
Third conditional sentences se diferenciam pela existência de present perfect e past perfect.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Business English: Transformando "First conditional" em "Third condit...

Business English: Transformando "First conditional" em "Third condit...: Transformem as seguintes frases do "first conditional" em "third conditional" (1) I  will buy  a house if I  have  mo...

Transformando "First conditional" em "Third conditional sentence"

Transformem as seguintes frases do "first conditional" em "third conditional"

(1) I will buy a house if I have money  
I would have bought a house if I had had money

(2) I will send you an email if I repair my computer  
I would have sent you an email if I had repaired my computer

(3) I will invite you to my wedding if I print the invitation card  
I would have invited you to my wedding if I had printed the invitation card

(4) I will visit you if you want me to  
I would have visited you if you had wanted me to come

(5) I will eat food if I am hungry   
I would have eaten food if I had been hungry

(6) I will give you a ride if I have a car
I would have given you a ride if I had had a car  

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Business English: Third conditional sentences

Business English: Third conditional sentences: Transformem as seguintes frases do "first conditional" em "third conditional"   (1) I  will buy  a house if I  have  ...

Third conditional sentences

Transformem as seguintes frases do "first conditional" em "third conditional"
(1) I will buy a house if I have money  
(2) I will send you an email if I repair my computer  
(3) I will invite you to my wedding if I print the invitation card  
(4) I will visit you if you want me to  
(5) I will eat food if I am hungry   
(6) I will give you a ride if I have a car   

Monday, November 9, 2015

Business English: Second conditional sentences - resposta

Business English: Second conditional sentences - resposta: Como você responderá as seguintes perguntas? (1) What would you do if you won lottery (Mega Sena)? I would travel all over the world ...

Second conditional sentences - resposta

Como você responderá as seguintes perguntas?

(1) What would you do if you won lottery (Mega Sena)?
I would travel all over the world
(2) If you went to the space, what would you eat there?
I would eat hamburguer 
(3) What would you like to study at college if you were 80?
I would study medicine
(4) If your parents were alive, what would they want you to be?
They would want me to be a lawyer
(5) How would you communicate instantaneously with people in other countries if telephone didn't exist?
I would not communicate 
(6) How could you travel to work if there were no bus?
I would buy a car

(7) If water finished today, how would you take shower and wash your clothes?
I would not take shower

Friday, November 6, 2015

Business English: Responde perguntas sobre "second conditional sente...

Business English: Responde perguntas sobre "second conditional sente...: Como você responderá as seguintes perguntas? (1) What would you do if you won lottery (Mega Sena)? (2) If you went to the space, what...

Responde perguntas sobre "second conditional sentences"

Como você responderá as seguintes perguntas?

(1) What would you do if you won lottery (Mega Sena)?
(2) If you went to the space, what would you eat there?
(3) What would you like to study at college if you were 80?
(4) If your parents were alive, what would they want to be?
(5) How would you communicate instantaneously with people in other countries if telephone didn't exist?
(6) How could you travel to work if there were no bus?
(7) If water finished today, how would you take shower and wash your clothes?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Business English: O significado do "second conditional sentence"

Business English: O significado do "second conditional sentence": No último exercício, eu fiz lista de duas frases para comparar o primeiro e o segundo condicional, conforme escrito abaixo. Com palavras em...

O significado do "second conditional sentence"

No último exercício, eu fiz lista de duas frases para comparar o primeiro e o segundo condicional, conforme escrito abaixo. Com palavras em negrito, é possível comparar as frases gramaticamente. Enquanto a frase (1) está no tempo verbal de presente, a frase (2) está escrita no passado. Embora consegue identificar a diferença entre as duas frases gramaticamente, o significado não é ainda claro.     

(1) If I know your name, I will call you
(2) If I knew your name, I would call you 

(1) I will sing the music if I listen to it
(2) I would sing the music if I listened to it

(1) If you tell me the television program, I will watch it
(2) If you told me the television program, I would watch it  

(1) I will eat food if you give me

(2) I would eat food if you gave me

O significado do segundo condicional é que a ação não tem possibilidade de ser cumprida ou realizada. Vamos usar um par de frases para ilustrar o significado. 

(1) I will eat food if you give me

(2) I would eat food if you gave me

A frase (1) mostra que existe a possibilidade de ele me dar comida enquanto a frase (2) mostra que não há esta possibilidade. Se não há possibilidade, a frase se torna hipotética. Portanto, o segundo condicional representa uma situação hipotética!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Business English: Comparando-se first conditional com second conditi...

Business English: Comparando-se first conditional com second conditi...: Aprendendo conditional sentences (frases condicionais) é melhor compreendido quando ensina as três formas juntas. Neste post, vamos compara...

Comparando-se first conditional com second conditional sentence

Aprendendo conditional sentences (frases condicionais) é melhor compreendido quando ensina as três formas juntas. Neste post, vamos comparar a primeira e a segunda frases condicionais, usando o último exercício.

(1) If I know your name, I will call you
(2) If I knew your name, I would call you 

(1) I will sing the music if I listen to it
(2) I would sing the music if I listened to it

(1) If you tell me the television program, I will watch it
(2) If you told me the television program, I would watch it  

(1) I will eat food if you give me
(2) I would eat food if you gave me

Você consegue notar as diferenças entre frases (1) e (2)? O que diferencia as palavras em negrito da frase (1) com as da frase (2)? A primeira fase representa o primeira condicional enquanto a frase (2) representa o segundo condicional.    

Monday, November 2, 2015

Business English: Identificando first conditional sentences

Business English: Identificando first conditional sentences: Quais são frases que representam first conditional sentences? (1) I know your name and I will call you (2) If I know your name, I wil...

Identificando first conditional sentences

Quais são frases que representam first conditional sentences?

(1) I know your name and I will call you
(2) If I know your name, I will call you
(3) I knew your name and I will call you
(4) If I knew your name, I would call you 

(1) I will sing the music after listening to it
(2) I would sing the music if I listen to it
(3) I will sing the music if I listen to it
(4) I would listen to the music if I listened to it

(1) Tell me the television program and I will watch it
(2) Tell me the television program and I would watch it
(3) If you tell me the television program, I will watch it
(4) If you told me the television program, I will watch it  

(1) I will eat food if you give me
(2) I would eat food if you gave
(3) Give me food and I will eat it
(4) I would have eaten food if you give me  

Business English: Business English: First conditional sentence - res...

Business English: Business English: First conditional sentence - res...: Business English: First conditional sentence - resposta : First conditional serve para falar sobre alguma coisa que tem possibilidade de oco...

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Business English: First conditional sentence - resposta

Business English: First conditional sentence - resposta: First conditional serve para falar sobre alguma coisa que tem possibilidade de ocorrer no futuro. Essa possibilidade de futuro é marcada pe...

First conditional sentence - resposta

First conditional serve para falar sobre alguma coisa que tem possibilidade de ocorrer no futuro. Essa possibilidade de futuro é marcada pelo uso de "will". Gramaticamente, uma parte de frase representa futuro de presente (will + presente) enquanto a parte de "if" contenha verbo de presente.
     Nos próximos posts, eu vou comparar o first conditional sentence com o segundo e o terceiro.