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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Tempos verbais: costume e rotina no passado

Existe outra forma de mostrar costumes e rotinas realizadas no passada por pessoas. Em Português se usa o verbo acostumava a fazer tal coisa. Em Inglês o verbo equivalente é "used to". Os exemplos são:

(1) I used to go to work every day in the 1980s.

(2) I used to eat Japanese food when I lived in Japan

(3) I used to take shower every morning when I was 5 years old.

(4) I used to drive my car every day before traffic problem in São Paulo

(5) I used to watch television every night when I had no job. 

(6) I used to go to toilet every morning before work before I went to the hospital. 

(7) I used to give gifts to my daughter when I hac job.

(8) I used to meet with my friends every weekend before I got married.

(9) I used to phone my mother every week when my phone was cut.

(10) I used to do my homework every night during last summer.

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