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Friday, June 26, 2015

A diferença entre a frase afirmativa e a pergunta

A seqüência que segue a frase afirmativa em Inglês, obrigatoriamente, é:

                  Sujeito ------ verbo ------ objeto 

Por outro lado, a seqüência de pergunta é:

                   Verbo ------- sujeito ------ objeto

Exemplos de uso são mostrados a seguir, com posição de verbo e sujeito indicado em negrito.

Pergunta: Where are you from?
Resposta: I am from Brazil

Pergunta: What is your nationality?
Resposta: I am a Brazilian

Pergunta: When is your birthday anniversary?
Resposta: It is in March
It is on Monday
It is on the 9th of March

Pergunta: How often do you read English books?
Resposta: I always read English books

Pergunta: How long does it take you to read the book?
Resposta: It takes about 2 hours

Pergunta: How much did you pay for the English book?
Resposta: I paid $40
               I bought the book for $40

Pergunta: How far is your house from your work or school?
Resposta: It is about 10 km

Pergunta: What do you do?
Resposta: I am an engineer

Pergunta: What is your profession?
Resposta: I am an engineer

Pergunta: What did you study at the college?
Resposta: I studied engineering

Qual são os objetos de frases acima?

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