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Monday, May 30, 2016

Perguntas com "Why" - Resposta

A: Why are you late?
B: I am late because of traffic
A: Why do you come late?
B: I came late because of traffic
A: Why are you not happy?
B: I am not happy as a result of bad economy
A: Why are some countries more important than the others?
B: Some countries are more important because of their level of development
A: Why can't you run?
B: I can't run since I am fat
A: Why didn't you do your homework?
B: I didn't do my homework because it rained and there was no light
A: Why mustn't you smoke in public places?
B: You mustn't smoke in public places in order to respect the law 
A: Why wouldn't you like to travel?
B: I wouldn't like travel in order to save money
A: Why haven't you paid your electricity bill?
B: I haven't paid my bill because I haven't received it
A: Why do we eat?
B: We eat in order to be healthy

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