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Monday, September 7, 2015

Respondendo perguntas sobre locais

As perguntas feitas no post anterior serão respondidas a seguir.  

(1) How can I get to Morumbi Shopping Center?
You can take Morumbi Avenue until Nações Unidas Avenue
(2) Where is the Morumbi Shopping Center?
It is near Morumbi flyover
(3) Is the Morumbi Shopping Center near here?
Yes, it is
(4) How far is the the Morumbi Shopping Center from here?
It is about 1 km from here
(5) How many minutes will it take me to get to the Morumbi Shopping Center from here?
It takes about 15 minutes
(6) Do you know any Shopping Center around here?
Morumbi Shopping Center is at the corner

(7) Where can I change money here?
There is a shopping center near here
(7) Where can I withdraw money here?
There is an ATM near here
(7) Where can I watch soccer/shows here?
Soccer stadium is about 200 meter from here
(7) Where can I pray here?
There is a temple opposite the avenue
(7) Where can I post letter here?
The Post Office is in downtown
(7) Where can I see the doctor here?
There is a General Hospital 10 km from here
(7) Where can I take university course here?
There is 1 Public College and 1 Private College in the Neighborhood
(7) Where can I make complaint/police statement here?
The Police Station is near my house
(7) Where can my children study here?
There is a Pre-School and a Primary School one block from here
(7) Where can I watch plays here?
You can watch plays at the Bollywood theater is inside the Shopping Mall
(7) Where do I call to stop fire here?
You can call the Fire Station near the Police Station
(7) Where can I read books here?
The Public Library is very close to the Extra Supermarket
(7) Where can I fill my tank here?
The cheapest gas station is 500 meter from here
(7) Where can I find job here?
The Textile factory is far from here

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