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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Lojas de compras - perguntas e respostas em padaria

As seguintes conversações ocorrem durante compra numa padaria. Estas são:

A: Hello, how can I help you? 
B: I need some bread
A: Sliced bread (pão Pullman) is R$5 a packet and French bread is R$10 a 
B: I want half (1/2) a kilogram of French bread
A: How much is the cheese?
B: It is R$25 a kilogram
A: I will need 300 g of cheese
B: It is R$7.5
A: I also need 1 liter of milk. How much is it?
B: Which brand do you want? 
A: I want Parmalat
B: Parmalat milk is R$3 a liter 

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