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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Os Departamentos de supermercado

Os setores ou departamentos comuns de supermercado são:

(1) Produce = hortifruti 
(2) Meats & Poultry = açougue 
(3) Dairy = laticínio
(4) Frozen food = congelados
(5) Personal care = higiene pessoal
(6) Household cleaners = produtos de limpeza 
(7) Bevearage = refrigerante
(8) Drinks = bebidas
(9) Canned foods = enlatados
(10) Checkout counter = caixa de pagamento

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Perguntas e respostas na loja de roupa

Leiam frases usadas na hora de comprar roupas.

A: Excuse me, can I help you?
B: Yes, I want to buy some pants (calça)
A: I have many types of pants. What color do you want?
B: I want the black color (calça preta)
A: What is your size (tamanho)?
B: Depending on the type of pants, I can wear size 34 or 36.
A: I have all sizes until 46.
B: Do you have a fitting room (provador) for me to test it?
A: Yes, there is a fitting room at the corner
B: Do you have a refund (devolução de dinheiro) program in case I do not like it?
A: Yes, we offer a 30-day refund policy, but do not remove the tag (etiqueta).
B: Ok, thank you.
A: Which one do you like?
B: I will take size 36. How much is it?
A: A pair of pants cost $50.
B: Do you accept the credit card or only cash?
A: We accept all credit cards and debit cards. We also accept cash.
B: I will pay with credit card. 
A: You can pay at the cashier.
B: Thank you and good bye.
A: Good bye.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Lojas de compras - perguntas e respostas em padaria

As seguintes conversações ocorrem durante compra numa padaria. Estas são:

A: Hello, how can I help you? 
B: I need some bread
A: Sliced bread (pão Pullman) is R$5 a packet and French bread is R$10 a 
B: I want half (1/2) a kilogram of French bread
A: How much is the cheese?
B: It is R$25 a kilogram
A: I will need 300 g of cheese
B: It is R$7.5
A: I also need 1 liter of milk. How much is it?
B: Which brand do you want? 
A: I want Parmalat
B: Parmalat milk is R$3 a liter 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Lojas de compras - Pesos e medidas 2

A: How much is 3 liters of soft drink (refrigerante de 3L)?
B: It is R$6.
A: How much is a can of tomato (lata de tomate)?
B: It is about R$3  
A: How much is a size 5 shirt (camisa tamanho 5)?
B: It costs R$60 
A: How much is a pair of jeans pants (calça jeans)?
B: It is R$80
A: How much does a pair of shoe cost (sapato)?
B: It costs R$200
A: How much is 1 m2 tile (azulejo)?
B: It costs R$20 
A: How much is m3 of sand (areia)?
B: It is R$50

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Lojas de compras - pesos e medidas 1

A: How much is 1 kg of bread?
B: It is R$10 per kg
A: How many loaves of bread weigh 1 kg?
B: About 15 loaves of french bread
A: How much is a packet of sliced bread?
B: It is about R$5
A: How many kilograms does a packet of sliced bread weigh?
B: It weighs about 450 g 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Lojas de compras - perguntas sobre preços

Perguntas e Respostas sobre preços. As frases de pergunta e resposta são escritas em negrita.

A: How much do you buy bread?
B: I buy bread for R$10 per kilogram
A: How much is meat?
B: It is R$30 a kilogram
A: How much do you pay for stamps?
B: I pay R$2 for domestic postage and R$5 for international postage
A: How much do you pay for food items in a month?
B: I spend R$1,500 every month in the Supermarket
A: How much is your cloth?
B: It is R$95
A: How much are your shoes?
B: The shoes cost R$200
A: How much did you pay for your car?
B: I bought my car for R$50,000. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Lojas de compras 6 - preços

Escreva os preços dos seguintes itens:

Bread =  
Meat = 
Stamps = 
Food items = 
Clothes = 
Shoes = 
Construction materials = 
Newspapers and magazines = 
Dollar = 
Food =  
Car = 
Flower = 
Toys = 
jewelry = 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Lojas de compras 5 - Resposta

Where do you buy the following items from?

(1) I always buy bread from "Três irmãos" bakery and sometimes from "Extra" 
(2) I buy meat from "Carrefour Grocery" 
(3) I buy stamps and envelopes from the Post Office 
(4) I go to the Pão de Açúcar to buy food items 
(5) I buy clothes from "Marisa"  
(6) My shoes are from Mondial 
(7) I always buy construction materials from C&C. 
(8) I buy jewelry from Rommanel

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Lojas de compras 4

Quais são os nomes de lojas de onde você compra os seguintes itens?

Bread =  
Meat = 
Stamps = 
Food items = 
Clothes = 
Shoes = 
Construction materials = 
Newspapers and magazines = 
Dollar = 
Food =  
Car = 
Flower = 
Toys = 
jewelry = 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Lojas de compras 3

Nos compramos os seguintes itens de lojas abaixo:

baker's shop = bread (pão)
butcher's shop = meat (carne)
Post Office = stamps (selo)
grocery store = food items (itens para preparar comida)
cloth shop = clothes (roupa)
shoe shop = shoes (sapato)
construction material store = construction materials (material de construção)
newsstand = newspapers and magazines (jornais e revistas)
money exchange house = money (dinheiro)
restaurant = food (comida)
car dealer's shop = cars (carro)
florist = flower (flores)
toys store = toys (brinquedos)
jewelry store = jewelry (bijuteria)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Lojas de compras 2

O que você compra nessas lojas?

baker's shop
butcher's shop
Post Office
supermarket = grocery store
cloth shop
shoe shop 
construction material store
money exchange house
car dealer's shop
toys store
jewelry store 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Lojas de compras 1

Os nomes de lojas de compras em Inglês são:

Padaria = baker's shop
Açougue = butcher's shop
Correios = Post Office
Supermercado = supermarket = grocery store
Loja de roupa = cloth shop
Loja de sapato = shoe shop 
Loja de material de construção = construction material store
Banca de jornal = newsstand
Casa de câmbio = money exchange house
Restaurante = restaurant 
Agência de carro = car dealer's shop
Loja de flores = florist
Loja de brinquedo = toys store
Loja de bijuterias = jewelry store 


Friday, September 11, 2015

Completando-se frases: Resposta

(1) How can I get to MASP?
(2) How long is Ibirapuera Park from here?
(3) Where is Ipiranga Museum?
(4) How far is the University of São Paulo from downtown?
(5) How long does it take to get to FIESP Head Office?
(6) Is there any hospital around here?
(7) Where can I buy medicine?
(8) Do you know any Post Office near here?

(9) Can you tell me how to find the way to Paulista Avenue?

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Completando-se frases

Complete as seguintes frases com How;  Can;  Is;  How;  How;  How;  Where;  Where;  Do:

(1) ------------- can I get to MASP?
(2) ------------- long is Ibirapuera Park from here?
(3) ------------- is Ipiranga Museum?
(4) ------------- far is the University of São Paulo from downtown?
(5) ------------- long does it take to get to FIESP Head Office?
(6) ------------- there any hospital around here?
(7) ------------- can I buy medicine?
(8) ------------- you know any Post Office near here?
(9) ------------- you tell me how to find the way to Paulista Avenue?

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

O que você tem em seu bairro?

Faça a lista dos lugares que você tem em seu bairro em Inglês. Descreva como alguém pode chegar encontrar estes lugares.   

Monday, September 7, 2015

Respondendo perguntas sobre locais

As perguntas feitas no post anterior serão respondidas a seguir.  

(1) How can I get to Morumbi Shopping Center?
You can take Morumbi Avenue until Nações Unidas Avenue
(2) Where is the Morumbi Shopping Center?
It is near Morumbi flyover
(3) Is the Morumbi Shopping Center near here?
Yes, it is
(4) How far is the the Morumbi Shopping Center from here?
It is about 1 km from here
(5) How many minutes will it take me to get to the Morumbi Shopping Center from here?
It takes about 15 minutes
(6) Do you know any Shopping Center around here?
Morumbi Shopping Center is at the corner

(7) Where can I change money here?
There is a shopping center near here
(7) Where can I withdraw money here?
There is an ATM near here
(7) Where can I watch soccer/shows here?
Soccer stadium is about 200 meter from here
(7) Where can I pray here?
There is a temple opposite the avenue
(7) Where can I post letter here?
The Post Office is in downtown
(7) Where can I see the doctor here?
There is a General Hospital 10 km from here
(7) Where can I take university course here?
There is 1 Public College and 1 Private College in the Neighborhood
(7) Where can I make complaint/police statement here?
The Police Station is near my house
(7) Where can my children study here?
There is a Pre-School and a Primary School one block from here
(7) Where can I watch plays here?
You can watch plays at the Bollywood theater is inside the Shopping Mall
(7) Where do I call to stop fire here?
You can call the Fire Station near the Police Station
(7) Where can I read books here?
The Public Library is very close to the Extra Supermarket
(7) Where can I fill my tank here?
The cheapest gas station is 500 meter from here
(7) Where can I find job here?
The Textile factory is far from here

Sunday, September 6, 2015

My neighborhood - Resposta

As perguntas 1-6 servem para todos os locais. A pergunta 7 depende da atividade realizada no local.  

(1) How can I get to Morumbi Shopping Center?
(2) Where is the Morumbi Shopping Center?
(3) Is the Morumbi Shopping Center near here?
(4) How far is the the Morumbi Shopping Center from here?
(5) How many minutes will it take me to get to the Morumbi Shopping Center from here?
(6) Do you know any Shopping Center around here?

(7) Where can I change money here? = shopping center
(7) Where can I withdraw money here? = banks
(7) Where can I watch soccer/shows here? = stadium
(7) Where can I pray here? = church/mosque/temple/synagogue
(7) Where can I post letter here? = post office
(7) Where can I see the doctor here? = hospital
(7) Where can I take university course here? = college
(7) Where can I make complaint/police statement here? = police station
(7) Where can my children study here? = school
(7) Where can I watch plays here? = theater
(7) Where do I call to stop fire here? = fire station
(7) Where can I read books here? = library
(7) Where can I fill my tank here? = gas station
(7) Where can I find job here? = factory

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Meu bairro (my neighborhood) 2

Como se faz perguntas sobre os locais do seu bairro? 

Escreva as perguntas para ajudar estrangeiro a localizar os seguintes locais:  

Shopping center
Post office 
police station
fire station
public library
gas station


Friday, September 4, 2015

Meu bairro 1

Alguns lugares que podem ser encontrados no meu bairro são:

Shopping center = Shopping center
Bancos = banks
Estádios = stadiums
Igreja = church
Mesquita = mosque
Templo = temple
Sinagoga = synagogue 
Correio = Post office 
Hospital = hospital
Faculdade = college
Delegacia = police station
Escola = school
Teatro = theater
Brigada de incêndio = fire station
Biblioteca pública = public library
Posto de gasolina = gas station
Fabrica = factory