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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Palavras usadas em conjunto - verbo + substantivo

No meus últimos posts, eu escrevi sobre preposição dependente como exemplo de uma ampla categoria de palavras usadas juntas em Inglês. Hoje, eu estou apresentando outra parte desta categoria. São verbos usados em conjunto com substantivos. Seguem exemplos destes abaixo.

(1) The Company will cut jobs because of bad economy.   

(2) The government is preparing a new economic policy that will create jobs

(3) The creation of new jobs will reduce unemployment (jobless) rate. 

(4) The government also wants to reduce corruption.

(5) The government is also telling the citizens to start business

(6) The government is worried about unemployment and is taking action.

(7) Many companies can also take action by expanding their businesses.

(8) Expanding businesses force companies to launch new products.

(9) Companies can also form partnerships in order to increase sales.

(10) These companies can raise capital by borrowing money from banks.

(11) But, the government will raise interest rate if there is a lot of money in circulation.

(12) Many businesspeople say the government should pay attention to the unemployment rate and not to the quantity of money in circulation.

(13) The companies argue that they have to pay many bills

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