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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Dependent prepositions 4 - Justifications for choosing the answers

These are the justifications for selecting the answers

1. The Chairman of Ford said he was born --------- this business
(a) for  (b) in   (c) over
Explanation: You can be born in a specific business or into a business
2. What does the Ford chairman mean --------- this statement?
(a) against  (b) by   (c) in
Explanation: What do you mean by ----------------------?
3. One of the problems many foreign students encounter is trying to translate the new language -------------- their native languages.
(a) to  (b) with  (c) into
Explanation: We always translate language A into language B.
4. The G-8 $20 bn fund should be given in the form of supplies, fertilizers and --------------- Agricultural Development Programs
(a) through   (b) by  (c) over
Explanation: Something will be given through a program or by someone.
5. The best advice received by the daughter of Playboy Magazine Founder is that business is always ---------------- negotiation
(a) for  (b) of  (c) about 
Explanation: Business is about negotiation. Business means negotiation. My business is for profit. 
6. However, negotiation involves a lot ------------- give and take       
(a) of   (b) to   (c) over
Explanation: We always use a lot + of                                                                  
7. I work ----------- an energy distribution company                   
(a) into  (b) in   (c) to
Explanation: I work in a company = inside a company
                       I work at a company = I work at a fixed address of the Company
8. Which Department or Section do you work ---------?
(a) in   (b) for  (c) against
Explanation: Always work in a department. To work for a department = to represent a department. Example - A lawyer works for a department when there is a problem with the Justice.
9. The tendency today is the renewables, or the alternative -------- petroleum.
(a) for  (b) with  (c) to
Explanation: A is an alternative to B.
10. But, how do the renewables differentiate themselves --------- the traditional source?
(a) with  (b) from   (c) against
Explanation: A is different from B. To differentiate A from B. The key word is different.
11. The IBM ad asked, “how much did we spend ---------- energy last year”?
(a) on   (b) at  (c) in
Explanation: We spend money on something. 
12. ---------------- what circumstances do you consider a price just?
(a) on  (b) under   (c) at
Explanation: We can use in or under for circumstance
13. How would you contribute to the environment – going to work ------- car, bus, and bicycle or ----------- foot?
Explanation: we travel by car, by train, by bus, and on foot. 
(a) by/by  (b) with/by  (c) by/on
14. I want to stop --------- and see my brother. He is -------- town.
(a) by/in   (b) at/on   (c) through/by
Explanation: To stop by = to stop temporarily when a person is traveling to a place
                        We can say to stop at somewhere (city, shopping cetre, museum, etc.) 
15. There should be a limit --------- which a country’s population can grow.
(a) at  (b) by  (c) to
Explanation: A limit to reach.

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