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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Os Departamentos de supermercado

Os setores ou departamentos comuns de supermercado são:

(1) Produce = hortifruti 
(2) Meats & Poultry = açougue 
(3) Dairy = laticínio
(4) Frozen food = congelados
(5) Personal care = higiene pessoal
(6) Household cleaners = produtos de limpeza 
(7) Bevearage = refrigerante
(8) Drinks = bebidas
(9) Canned foods = enlatados
(10) Checkout counter = caixa de pagamento

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Perguntas e respostas na loja de roupa

Leiam frases usadas na hora de comprar roupas.

A: Excuse me, can I help you?
B: Yes, I want to buy some pants (calça)
A: I have many types of pants. What color do you want?
B: I want the black color (calça preta)
A: What is your size (tamanho)?
B: Depending on the type of pants, I can wear size 34 or 36.
A: I have all sizes until 46.
B: Do you have a fitting room (provador) for me to test it?
A: Yes, there is a fitting room at the corner
B: Do you have a refund (devolução de dinheiro) program in case I do not like it?
A: Yes, we offer a 30-day refund policy, but do not remove the tag (etiqueta).
B: Ok, thank you.
A: Which one do you like?
B: I will take size 36. How much is it?
A: A pair of pants cost $50.
B: Do you accept the credit card or only cash?
A: We accept all credit cards and debit cards. We also accept cash.
B: I will pay with credit card. 
A: You can pay at the cashier.
B: Thank you and good bye.
A: Good bye.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Lojas de compras - perguntas e respostas em padaria

As seguintes conversações ocorrem durante compra numa padaria. Estas são:

A: Hello, how can I help you? 
B: I need some bread
A: Sliced bread (pão Pullman) is R$5 a packet and French bread is R$10 a 
B: I want half (1/2) a kilogram of French bread
A: How much is the cheese?
B: It is R$25 a kilogram
A: I will need 300 g of cheese
B: It is R$7.5
A: I also need 1 liter of milk. How much is it?
B: Which brand do you want? 
A: I want Parmalat
B: Parmalat milk is R$3 a liter 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Lojas de compras - Pesos e medidas 2

A: How much is 3 liters of soft drink (refrigerante de 3L)?
B: It is R$6.
A: How much is a can of tomato (lata de tomate)?
B: It is about R$3  
A: How much is a size 5 shirt (camisa tamanho 5)?
B: It costs R$60 
A: How much is a pair of jeans pants (calça jeans)?
B: It is R$80
A: How much does a pair of shoe cost (sapato)?
B: It costs R$200
A: How much is 1 m2 tile (azulejo)?
B: It costs R$20 
A: How much is m3 of sand (areia)?
B: It is R$50

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Lojas de compras - pesos e medidas 1

A: How much is 1 kg of bread?
B: It is R$10 per kg
A: How many loaves of bread weigh 1 kg?
B: About 15 loaves of french bread
A: How much is a packet of sliced bread?
B: It is about R$5
A: How many kilograms does a packet of sliced bread weigh?
B: It weighs about 450 g 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Lojas de compras - perguntas sobre preços

Perguntas e Respostas sobre preços. As frases de pergunta e resposta são escritas em negrita.

A: How much do you buy bread?
B: I buy bread for R$10 per kilogram
A: How much is meat?
B: It is R$30 a kilogram
A: How much do you pay for stamps?
B: I pay R$2 for domestic postage and R$5 for international postage
A: How much do you pay for food items in a month?
B: I spend R$1,500 every month in the Supermarket
A: How much is your cloth?
B: It is R$95
A: How much are your shoes?
B: The shoes cost R$200
A: How much did you pay for your car?
B: I bought my car for R$50,000. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Lojas de compras 6 - preços

Escreva os preços dos seguintes itens:

Bread =  
Meat = 
Stamps = 
Food items = 
Clothes = 
Shoes = 
Construction materials = 
Newspapers and magazines = 
Dollar = 
Food =  
Car = 
Flower = 
Toys = 
jewelry =