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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Setores de supermercado 1

Faça lista, em Inglês, de produtos que você pode comprar no setor de hortifruti (produce)  

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Os Departamentos de supermercado

Os setores ou departamentos comuns de supermercado são:

(1) Produce = hortifruti 
(2) Meats & Poultry = açougue 
(3) Dairy = laticínio
(4) Frozen food = congelados
(5) Personal care = higiene pessoal
(6) Household cleaners = produtos de limpeza 
(7) Bevearage = refrigerante
(8) Drinks = bebidas
(9) Canned foods = enlatados
(10) Checkout counter = caixa de pagamento

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Perguntas e respostas na loja de roupa

Leiam frases usadas na hora de comprar roupas.

A: Excuse me, can I help you?
B: Yes, I want to buy some pants (calça)
A: I have many types of pants. What color do you want?
B: I want the black color (calça preta)
A: What is your size (tamanho)?
B: Depending on the type of pants, I can wear size 34 or 36.
A: I have all sizes until 46.
B: Do you have a fitting room (provador) for me to test it?
A: Yes, there is a fitting room at the corner
B: Do you have a refund (devolução de dinheiro) program in case I do not like it?
A: Yes, we offer a 30-day refund policy, but do not remove the tag (etiqueta).
B: Ok, thank you.
A: Which one do you like?
B: I will take size 36. How much is it?
A: A pair of pants cost $50.
B: Do you accept the credit card or only cash?
A: We accept all credit cards and debit cards. We also accept cash.
B: I will pay with credit card. 
A: You can pay at the cashier.
B: Thank you and good bye.
A: Good bye.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Lojas de compras - perguntas e respostas em padaria

As seguintes conversações ocorrem durante compra numa padaria. Estas são:

A: Hello, how can I help you? 
B: I need some bread
A: Sliced bread (pão Pullman) is R$5 a packet and French bread is R$10 a 
B: I want half (1/2) a kilogram of French bread
A: How much is the cheese?
B: It is R$25 a kilogram
A: I will need 300 g of cheese
B: It is R$7.5
A: I also need 1 liter of milk. How much is it?
B: Which brand do you want? 
A: I want Parmalat
B: Parmalat milk is R$3 a liter 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Lojas de compras - Pesos e medidas 2

A: How much is 3 liters of soft drink (refrigerante de 3L)?
B: It is R$6.
A: How much is a can of tomato (lata de tomate)?
B: It is about R$3  
A: How much is a size 5 shirt (camisa tamanho 5)?
B: It costs R$60 
A: How much is a pair of jeans pants (calça jeans)?
B: It is R$80
A: How much does a pair of shoe cost (sapato)?
B: It costs R$200
A: How much is 1 m2 tile (azulejo)?
B: It costs R$20 
A: How much is m3 of sand (areia)?
B: It is R$50

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Lojas de compras - pesos e medidas 1

A: How much is 1 kg of bread?
B: It is R$10 per kg
A: How many loaves of bread weigh 1 kg?
B: About 15 loaves of french bread
A: How much is a packet of sliced bread?
B: It is about R$5
A: How many kilograms does a packet of sliced bread weigh?
B: It weighs about 450 g 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Lojas de compras - perguntas sobre preços

Perguntas e Respostas sobre preços. As frases de pergunta e resposta são escritas em negrita.

A: How much do you buy bread?
B: I buy bread for R$10 per kilogram
A: How much is meat?
B: It is R$30 a kilogram
A: How much do you pay for stamps?
B: I pay R$2 for domestic postage and R$5 for international postage
A: How much do you pay for food items in a month?
B: I spend R$1,500 every month in the Supermarket
A: How much is your cloth?
B: It is R$95
A: How much are your shoes?
B: The shoes cost R$200
A: How much did you pay for your car?
B: I bought my car for R$50,000.