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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Vocabulários relacionados a setor imobiliária

Os seguintes vocabulários são usados no setor de construção e incorporação imobiliária.

- hipotecária = mortgage;
- financiamento imobiliária com taxa pós-fixado = adjustable rate mortgage;
- imobiliária/construção e incorporação imobiliária = realty;
- consultor imobiliário = realtor;
- bens imóveis = real estate;
- atraso no pagamento = default payment;
- tomada de bem de volta por falta de pagamento = foreclosure;
- mercado de construção civil = property market;
- entrada = upfront payment;
- a taxa de amortização hipotecária = mortgage rate;
- 15 anos de financiamento com taxa pré-fixado = 15-year fixed rate;
- 30 anos de financiamento com taxa pós-fixado = 30-year adjustable rate;
- índice de Standard & Poors que acompanha mercado imobiliário nos Estados
  Unidos da América = Shiller index;
- comissão = commission;
- casa alugada = rental property;

- Sistema Financeiro de Habitação = Federal Housing Authority.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Answering questions - answer key

Read the dialog below and complete the answers.

A: I am traveling to New York next week for a meeting. When do you think we
    can meet to discuss the report? 
B: I think/hope we can meet on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday 
A: Are you busy tomorrow afternoon at 15:00?
B: Yes, I have an appointment with our client 
A: What of next tomorrow?
B: I am free / I am also busy
A: Did you prepare a presentation on that?
B: Yes, I prepared a short presentation 
A: How long do you think you can spend on the presentation?
B: I think I can spend about 30 minutes
A: Have you checked the equipment you are going to use for that?
B: No, I will check it tomorrow/ Yes, I have done that
A: Is it possible for me to bring my assistants?
B: Yes, you can/ No, it is only for you
A: Can you give the presentation in English Language?
B: Yes, I can.
A: Does your English School teach you how to make presentation?
B: No, I hired a consultant/ Yes, it does.    

Friday, August 14, 2015

Answering Questions

Read the dialog below and complete the answers.

A: I am traveling to New York next week for a meeting. When do you think we
    can meet to discuss the report? 
A: Are you busy tomorrow afternoon at 15:00?
A: What of next tomorrow?
A: Did you prepare a presentation on that?
A: How long do you think you can spend on the presentation?
A: Have you checked the equipment you are going to use for that?
A: Is it possible for me to bring my assistants?
A: Can you give the presentation in English Language?
A: Does your English School teach you how to make presentation?

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Vocabularies related to buying and selling houses

The following vocabularies are generally used during buying and selling of houses.

- mortgage;
- sub-prime adjustable rate mortgage;
- realty;
- realtor;
- real estate;
- default payment;
- foreclosure;
- property market;
- upfront payment;
- mortgage rate;
- 15-year fixed rate;
- 30-year adjustable rate;
- Shiller index;
- commission;
- rental property;
- Federal Housing Authority.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Writing questions - Answer

Write questions for the following answers:

(1) Sorry, but I am picking up my son from school tomorrow.
(a) Can we meet tomorrow?
(b) Do you have time tomorrow?

(2) You can call me when you finish the task.
(a) What do I do when I finish the task?
(b) What do I do after the task? 

(3) I have been studying all this time.
(a) What have you been doing? 

(4) Although I play soccer, baseball is my favorite.
(a) What sports do you prefer?
(b) What is your favorite sport?
(c) What is your hobby?

(5) She is sick, but the doctor warned her not to take aspirin.
(a) How is she?
(b) Is she allergic to aspirin?

(6) This is what I do every day for a living.
(a) What do you do?
(b) What do you do for a living?
(c) How do you sustain yourself?

(7) Our primary school teacher must have retired.
(a) What is our primary school teacher doing now?
(b) What do you think our primary school teacher must be doing now?
(c) Do you remember our primary school teacher? 

(8) My Company is undergoing acquisition.
(a) What is happening to your Company?
(b) How is your work?

(9) It is unfortunate, I was not born in Brazil.
(a) Where are you from?
(b) What is your nationality?
(c) Where were you born?

(10) I am innocent, but still in the Police custody.
(a) Why are you in custody?
(b) What is the Police accusing you of?
(c) Are you guilty of the crime?

Writing questions

Write questions for the following answers:

(1) Sorry, but I am picking up my son from school tomorrow.

(2) You can call me when you finish the task.

(3) I have been studying all this time.

(4) Although I play soccer, my favorite is baseball.

(5) She is sick, but the doctor warned her not to take aspirin.

(6) This is what I do every day for a living.

(7) Our primary school teacher must have retired.

(8) My Company is undergoing acquisition.

(9) It is unfortunate, I was not born in Brazil.

(10) I am innocent, but still in the Police custody.


Friday, August 7, 2015

Vocabulário relacionado à dever de casa 2

A seguir será a continuação de vocabulários relacionados à dever de casa. 

Podar jardim = weed the garden
Regar jardim = water the garden
Cortar grama = mow the grass
Varrer as folhas = rake the leaves
Lavar prato = wash the dishes
Secar prato = dry the dishes
Arrumar casa = organize things at home
Pendurar roupa no varal = hang clothes on the clothesline
Fazer comida = prepare food 
Passar roupa = iron clothes