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Saturday, August 15, 2015

Answering questions - answer key

Read the dialog below and complete the answers.

A: I am traveling to New York next week for a meeting. When do you think we
    can meet to discuss the report? 
B: I think/hope we can meet on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday 
A: Are you busy tomorrow afternoon at 15:00?
B: Yes, I have an appointment with our client 
A: What of next tomorrow?
B: I am free / I am also busy
A: Did you prepare a presentation on that?
B: Yes, I prepared a short presentation 
A: How long do you think you can spend on the presentation?
B: I think I can spend about 30 minutes
A: Have you checked the equipment you are going to use for that?
B: No, I will check it tomorrow/ Yes, I have done that
A: Is it possible for me to bring my assistants?
B: Yes, you can/ No, it is only for you
A: Can you give the presentation in English Language?
B: Yes, I can.
A: Does your English School teach you how to make presentation?
B: No, I hired a consultant/ Yes, it does.    

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