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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Vocabulários relacionados a contratação de empregado

As palavras a seguir são usadas na hora de contratar empregado. Estas são:

Contracting = contratação
Hiring = contratação
Integration = integração
Labor rights = direitos empregatícios 
Vacation = ferias 
Sick leave = licença 
Maternity leave = licença de maternidade
Labor Union = sindicato
Salary/wage = salario
Compensation package = pacote de remuneração
401(k) contribution = contribuição para previdência privada
Pension plan = plano de previdência privada
Health plan = plano de Saúde
Income tax deduction = dedução de imposto de renda
Dismissed = desligado
Fired = demitido
Sacked = demitido
Terminated = terminado
Laid off = mandado embora
Made redundant = desligado
Early retirement = aposentadoria precoce 
Severance package = recisão  

Friday, July 10, 2015

Vocabularies related to hiring and firing

The following words listed below are generally used during hiring and firing of people. They are:

Labor rights
Labor Union
Compensation package
401(k) contribution
Pension plan
Health plan
Income tax deduction
Laid off
Made redundant
Early retirement
Severance package
Golden parachute

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Palavras usadas em conjunto - verbo + substantivo

No meus últimos posts, eu escrevi sobre preposição dependente como exemplo de uma ampla categoria de palavras usadas juntas em Inglês. Hoje, eu estou apresentando outra parte desta categoria. São verbos usados em conjunto com substantivos. Seguem exemplos destes abaixo.

(1) The Company will cut jobs because of bad economy.   

(2) The government is preparing a new economic policy that will create jobs

(3) The creation of new jobs will reduce unemployment (jobless) rate. 

(4) The government also wants to reduce corruption.

(5) The government is also telling the citizens to start business

(6) The government is worried about unemployment and is taking action.

(7) Many companies can also take action by expanding their businesses.

(8) Expanding businesses force companies to launch new products.

(9) Companies can also form partnerships in order to increase sales.

(10) These companies can raise capital by borrowing money from banks.

(11) But, the government will raise interest rate if there is a lot of money in circulation.

(12) Many businesspeople say the government should pay attention to the unemployment rate and not to the quantity of money in circulation.

(13) The companies argue that they have to pay many bills

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Words we use together - verbs + nouns

In my last post, I wrote about dependent preposition as an example of words we generally use together. Today, we will look at another set of words that go together. These are verbs and nouns. Examples are given below.

(1) The Company will cut jobs because of bad economy.   

(2) The government is preparing a new economic policy that will create jobs

(3) The creation of new jobs will reduce unemployment (jobless) rate. 

(4) The government also wants to reduce corruption.

(5) The government is also telling the citizens to start business

(6) The government is worried about unemployment and is taking action.

(7) Many companies can also take action by expanding their businesses.

(8) Expanding businesses force companies to launch new products.

(9) Companies can also form partnerships in order to increase sales.

(10) These companies can raise capital by borrowing money from banks.

(11) But, the government will raise interest rate if there is a lot of money in circulation.

(12) Many businesspeople say the government should pay attention to the unemployment rate and not to the quantity of money in circulation.

(13) The companies argue that they have to pay many bills

All the words in black are verbs followed by nouns. Do you remember other words used as verbs and nouns? Use them and make sentences.


Sunday, July 5, 2015

What does a dependent preposition mean?

A preposition is a word or phrase that connects the action of the subject to the object. In this sense, a dependent preposition means a connection word that always follows another specific word. These specific words can be verbs, adjectives, adverbs, among others. In order to show this dependency, let us lok at the post "dependent preposition 1" again.  

Some common prepositions: to, for, at, with, about, in, on, over, under, along, above, underneath,    

1. The criminal is accused of stealing the bank. 
    of always depends on accusation 
2. The Human Resources Department added bonus to my salary
    We always add A to
  3. I have always aimed at the position of the CEO of the Company 
      We always use to aim at something or to target at something
4. I think the Company should allow us more time for the lunch 
    We need time for something
5. I think the Company should allow us more time to have the lunch  
    We need time to do something
6. I told my subordinate to apologize for doing something wrong 
   We apologize for something or apologize for doing something
7. I would like to apply for that position. What about you? 
    I apply for job, scholarship, admission. I am writing an application for something 
8. I do not want to argue with you about that subject
    We argue/debate with someone about something
9. Politicians should be arrested for their criminal acts like others
    You arrest someone for something = you arrest someone for doing 
    something bad
10. It is against policy asking for help
      We always ask/request someone for something  
     We always ask/request someone to do something
     We always ask/request something from someone  
11. What shall we do? The attendment to our customers is poor
      We always provide/offer something to someone 
12. I do not believe in fast wealth
      We always believe in something or believe in someone
13. Do you think we belong to this niche?
      We always belong to a country/place/community/social class
14. Do not blame him for the mistake
      We blame someone for something bad
      We blame someone for doing something bad
15. I do not like lending my car to others
      I do not lend/give something to someone

All prepositions in the exercise above are always used together with the words that come before them. Except numbers 4 e 10 which are nouns, others are verbs. The exercise above, in fact, belongs to groups of words in English called collocations. These are words that are always used together. 
     I will give more examples of collocations in the next posts!

O que significa uma preposição dependente?

A preposição é uma palavra ou frase que liga ação do sujeito com objeto. Nesse sentido, uma preposição dependente implica numa palavra de ligação que sempre acompanha uma determinada palavra que pode ser verbo, adverbio, adjetivo, entre outros. Para ilustrar essa dependência, vamos rever o exercício do post "dependent preposition 1"  

Algumas preposições: to, for, at, with, about, in, on, over, under,   

1. The criminal is accused of stealing the bank. 
    O criminoso é acusado de roubar o banco (de é sempre usado junto com a
    palavra acusação)
2. The Human Resources Department added bonus to my salary 
  O Departamento do RH adicionou bonus à meu salário (adicionar uma coisa à outra)
3. I have always aimed at the position of the CEO of the Company 
    Eu sempre visei a posição do Presidente da Empresa (visa ou mira a alguma coisa)
4. I think the Company should allow us more time for the lunch 
    Eu penso que a Empresa deve nos permitir mais tempo para o almoço (tempo para 
    alguma coisa)
5. I think the Company should allow us more time to have the lunch  
    Eu penso que a Empresa deve nos permitir mais para ter o almoço (tempo para
   fazer alguma coisa)
6. I told my subordinate to apologize for doing something wrong 
    Eu falei para meu subordinado para pedir desculpas por fazendo coisas erradas (desculpar por alguma coisa errada)
7. I would like to apply for that position. What about you? 
    Eu gostaria de candidatar-se para aquela posição. É você? (sempre candidatar-se ou se candidatar por vaga) 
8. I do not want to argue with you about that subject
    Eu não quero argumentar com você sobre aquele assunto (argumentar
    com alguém sobre algum assunto)
9. Politicians should be arrested for their criminal acts like others
    Políticos devem ser presos por seus atos criminos como os outros (preso por ato cometido)
10. It is against policy asking for help
      Pedindo por ajuda está contra nossa política (pedindo por ajuda ou pela ajuda) 
11. What shall we do? The attendment to our customers is poor
      O que nós vamos fazer? O atendimento aos nossos clientes é ruim. (atendimento a cliente ou à uma pessoa) 
12. I do not believe in fast wealth
      Eu não acredito em riqueza fácil (sempre use a acredito em alguma coisa)
13. Do you think we belong to this niche?
      Você acha que nos pertencemos a esse nicho? (pertence a algum grupo)
14. Do not blame him for the mistake
      Não culpa ele pelo o erro  (culpar por alguma coisa)
15. I do not like lending my car to others
      Eu não gosto de fica emprestando meu carro para outros (emprestar um objeto à outra pessoa)

Todas as preposições em negrito são sempre usadas em conjunto com as palavras em negrito que as antecedem. Com exceção de números 4 e 10 que são sujeitos, todas as palavra que antecedem as preposições são verbos.  

Friday, July 3, 2015

dependent prepositions 3 - Answer key

1c   2a   3b   4c   5a   6c   7b   8b   9a   10c   11b   12a   13a   14c   15b