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Friday, April 22, 2016

Tempo verbal no presente - rotina

O tempo verbal no presente é geralmente usado para falar sobre o dia-a-dia ou rotinas e para falar sobre calendários de eventos no futuro. Hoje, vamos analisar seu uso no dia-a-dia. Exemplos de frases do dia-a-dia são:

(1) I go to work every day.

(2) I always eat my breakfast before going to school.

(3) My parents visit us on Sundays.

(4) In my job, we receive our salary on the 30th of every month.

(5) I go to work by subway.

(6) It takes me about 1 hour to arrive at work.

(7) My wife takes our daughter to school at 07:00 and picks her up at 12:00.


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