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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Perguntas sobre números

Aprenda fazer perguntas relacionadas a números.

A: How old are you?
B: I am 35 = I am 35 years old
A: How old is Neymar?
B: He is 23
A: What is your house telephone number?
B: It is 36720893
A: What is your cell phone number?
B:  It is 983609327 
A: What is your address?
B: It is 1600 Paulista Avenue
A: What is the population of China?
B: It is about 1 billion and 380 million (1.38 bn).
A: How many people visit Eiffel Tower every year?
B: About 40 million people
A: How many people use the Facebook?
B: About 1 billion and 400 million people (1.4 bn)
A: How many smart phones do you have in Brazil?
B: There are more than 200 million smart phones

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