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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Dependent preposition 1

Complete these sentences with the correct prepositions

1. The criminal is accused ----------- stealing the bank.   
(a) for   (b) of   (c) with          
2. The Human Resources Department added bonus ----------- my salary
(a) to   (b) for   (c) with
3. I have always aimed ----------------- the position of the CEO of the Company
(a) for   (b) to   (c) at
4. I think the Company should allow us more time ---------- the lunch
(a) for   (b) to   (c) with
5. I think the Company should allow us more time --------- have the lunch
(a) for   (b) to   (c) with
6. I told my subordinate to apologize --------------- doing something wrong
(a) to   (b) for   (c) at
7. I would like to apply ---------------- that position. What -------- you?
(a) with/of   (b) to/about   (c) for/about
8. I do not want to argue ---------- you ---------- that subject
(a) with/about    (b) for/with   (c) to/over
9. Politicians should be arrested ----------- their criminal acts like others
(a) for   (b) with   (c) against
10. It is against policy asking ------------- help
(a) with   (b) to   (c) for
11. What shall we do? The attendment ---------- our customers is poor
(a) to   (b) for   (c) with
12. I do not believe --------------- fast wealth
(a) with   (b) in   (c) to
13. Do you think we belong ------------------ this niche?
(a) at   (b) for   (c) to
14. Do not blame him -------------- the mistake
(a) for   (b) to   (c) over
15. I do not like lending my car -------------- others
(a) for   (b) to   (c) at

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