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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Business English: Perguntas com "When"

Business English: Perguntas com "When": Exemplos de perguntas com " When " são: (1) When is the class tomorrow? (2) When are you traveling next year? (3) When are y...

Perguntas com "When"

Exemplos de perguntas com "When" são:

(1) When is the class tomorrow?

(2) When are you traveling next year?

(3) When are you taking your vacation?

(4) When is Christmas?

(5) When did you start work in your Company?

(6) When can you teach me English Language?

(7) When is the right time to go to bed?

(8) When will you retire?

Friday, May 13, 2016

Business English: Perguntas com "How" - Resposta

Business English: Perguntas com "How" - Resposta: A: How are you? B: I am fine, thanks. How about you? A: How do you go to work? B: I go to work by subway A: How many people are there i...

Perguntas com "How" - Resposta

A: How are you?
B: I am fine, thanks. How about you?
A: How do you go to work?
B: I go to work by subway
A: How many people are there in your family?
B: There are 5 people in my family
A: How many pets do you have?
B: I have a dog
A: How much is the price of your shoes?
B: R$ 120 
A: How much do you pay as electricity bill?
B: I pay R$290
A: How much interest do you have in speaking English?
B: I am so much interested = I am highly interested
A: How much water do you drink every day?
B: I drink about 2 liters
A: How much salt do you put in your food?
B: Only a pinch (about 10 g)
A: How long does it take you to speak English?
B: It takes me about 5 minutes
A: How long have you been working in your Company?
B: I have been working in my Company for 20 years
B: A: How far is São Paulo from your city?
B: It is about 30 km
A: How far can you go in supporting bad comportment?
B: Only as much as possible
A: How far can you support stress?
B: I can support it to the limit of my capacity

Monday, May 9, 2016

Business English: Perguntas com "How"

Business English: Perguntas com "How": Responde as perguntas a seguir: A: How are you? B: A: How do you go to work? B: A: How many people are there in your family? B: A: ...

Perguntas com "How"

Responde as perguntas a seguir:

A: How are you?
A: How do you go to work?
A: How many people are there in your family?
A: How many pets do you have?
A: How much is the price of your shoes?
A: How much do you pay as electricity bill?
A: How much interest do you have in speaking English?
A: How much water do you drink every day?
A: How much salt do you put in your food?
A: How long does it take you to speak English?
A: How long have you been working in your Company?
B: A: How far is São Paulo from your city?
A: How far can you go in supporting bad comportment?
A: How far can you support stress?

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Business English: Frações em Inglês

Business English: Frações em Inglês: Frações são formadas a partir de rankings. Exemplos são: 3rd = third    1/3 = one-third 4th = fourth 1/4 = one-fourth 5th = fifth ...