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Friday, May 13, 2016

Business English: Perguntas com "How" - Resposta

Business English: Perguntas com "How" - Resposta: A: How are you? B: I am fine, thanks. How about you? A: How do you go to work? B: I go to work by subway A: How many people are there i...

Perguntas com "How" - Resposta

A: How are you?
B: I am fine, thanks. How about you?
A: How do you go to work?
B: I go to work by subway
A: How many people are there in your family?
B: There are 5 people in my family
A: How many pets do you have?
B: I have a dog
A: How much is the price of your shoes?
B: R$ 120 
A: How much do you pay as electricity bill?
B: I pay R$290
A: How much interest do you have in speaking English?
B: I am so much interested = I am highly interested
A: How much water do you drink every day?
B: I drink about 2 liters
A: How much salt do you put in your food?
B: Only a pinch (about 10 g)
A: How long does it take you to speak English?
B: It takes me about 5 minutes
A: How long have you been working in your Company?
B: I have been working in my Company for 20 years
B: A: How far is São Paulo from your city?
B: It is about 30 km
A: How far can you go in supporting bad comportment?
B: Only as much as possible
A: How far can you support stress?
B: I can support it to the limit of my capacity

Monday, May 9, 2016

Business English: Perguntas com "How"

Business English: Perguntas com "How": Responde as perguntas a seguir: A: How are you? B: A: How do you go to work? B: A: How many people are there in your family? B: A: ...

Perguntas com "How"

Responde as perguntas a seguir:

A: How are you?
A: How do you go to work?
A: How many people are there in your family?
A: How many pets do you have?
A: How much is the price of your shoes?
A: How much do you pay as electricity bill?
A: How much interest do you have in speaking English?
A: How much water do you drink every day?
A: How much salt do you put in your food?
A: How long does it take you to speak English?
A: How long have you been working in your Company?
B: A: How far is São Paulo from your city?
A: How far can you go in supporting bad comportment?
A: How far can you support stress?

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Business English: Frações em Inglês

Business English: Frações em Inglês: Frações são formadas a partir de rankings. Exemplos são: 3rd = third    1/3 = one-third 4th = fourth 1/4 = one-fourth 5th = fifth ...

Frações em Inglês

  • Frações são formadas a partir de rankings. Exemplos são:
  • 3rd = third   
  • 1/3 = one-third
  • 4th = fourth
  • 1/4 = one-fourth
  • 5th = fifth
  • 1/5 = one-fifth
  • 6th = sixth
  • 1/6 = one-sixth
  • 7th = seventh
  • 1/7 = one-seventh
  • 8th = eighth
  • 1/8 = one-eighth
  • 9th = ninth
  • 1/9 = one-ninth
  • 10th = tenth
  • 1/10 = one-tenth

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Business English: Rankings and positions 2

Business English: Rankings and positions 2: 11 = eleven    11th = eleventh 12 = twelve    12th = twelfth 13 = thirteen   13th = thirteenth 14 = fourteen  14th = fourteenth 15 ...