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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Como escrever Tag questions 1 - Resposta

Exemplo - You go to work every day, don't you?

(1) She helps her mother prepare food, doesn't she?
(2) Their families used to live in this neighborhood, -----------------------?
(3) Your brother traveled to Disney last year, didn't he?
(4) Our teacher has corrected the homework, hasn't he/she?
(5) He is from Japan, isn't he?
(6) Don't turn on the television, will you?
(7) Let's go shopping, shall we?
(8) Open the window for me, won't you?
(9) Our parents must go to work, mustn't they?
(10) She is a good person, isn't she?  

Monday, December 28, 2015

Business English: Como escrever tag questions 1

Business English: Como escrever tag questions 1: Escreva tag questões a partir das seguintes frases: Exemplo - You go to work every day, don't you? (1) She helps her mother pre...

Como escrever tag questions 1

Escreva tag questões a partir das seguintes frases:

Exemplo - You go to work every day, don't you?

(1) She helps her mother prepare food, -------------------------------?
(2) Their families used to live in this neighborhood, -----------------------?
(3) Your brother traveled to Disney last year, ----------------------?
(4) Our teacher has corrected the homework, -----------------------?
(5) He is from Japan, ------------------------?
(6) Don't turn on the television, -----------------------?
(7) Let's go shopping, -------------------------?
(8) Open the window for me, ------------------------?
(9) Our parents must go to work, ----------------------?
(10) She is a good person, --------------------------?     

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Business English: Vocabulários relacionados a marketing

Business English: Vocabulários relacionados a marketing: Os seguintes vocabulários são relacionados a marketing. São: Marketing mix, 4 Ps = Promotion, Price, Place, Product; Brand, Advertizing,...

Vocabulários relacionados a marketing

Os seguintes vocabulários são relacionados a marketing. São:

Marketing mix, 4 Ps = Promotion, Price, Place, Product;

Brand, Advertizing, Product range, Loyalty, Launch, Direct marketing, Competitors, Customers, Premium price, Brand Equity, Market Research, Segmentation;

AIDA = Attention, Interest, Desire, Action;

SWOT = Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats;

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Business English: Writing Questions - Resposta

Business English: Writing Questions - Resposta: Escreva perguntas com as seguintes frases: 1. You visit Bahia (last week) =  Did you visit Bahia last week? 2) They ate spaghetti (ye...

Writing Questions - Resposta

Escreva perguntas com as seguintes frases:

1. You visit Bahia (last week) = Did you visit Bahia last week?
2) They ate spaghetti (yesterday) = Did you eat spaghetti yesterday?
3) The child is playing. (in the bedroom)  = Is the child playing in the bedroom?
4) The robber disappeared from house (quickly) 
= Did the robber disappear from the house quickly? = How did the robber disappear from the house? 
5) My friend listens to music (fluently)
= Does your friend listen to music frequently? = How often does your friend listen to music?
6) We have gone to Disney (before) = Have you gone to Disney before?
7) You meet the boss (today) = Did you meet your boss today? = Have you met your boss today
8) My girlfriend is having her birthday party (next week) 
= Is your girlfriend having her birthday next week?  = When is your girlfriend having her birthday?