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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Writing Questions - Resposta

Escreva perguntas com as seguintes frases:

1. You visit Bahia (last week) = Did you visit Bahia last week?
2) They ate spaghetti (yesterday) = Did you eat spaghetti yesterday?
3) The child is playing. (in the bedroom)  = Is the child playing in the bedroom?
4) The robber disappeared from house (quickly) 
= Did the robber disappear from the house quickly? = How did the robber disappear from the house? 
5) My friend listens to music (fluently)
= Does your friend listen to music frequently? = How often does your friend listen to music?
6) We have gone to Disney (before) = Have you gone to Disney before?
7) You meet the boss (today) = Did you meet your boss today? = Have you met your boss today
8) My girlfriend is having her birthday party (next week) 
= Is your girlfriend having her birthday next week?  = When is your girlfriend having her birthday?

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