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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Dependent prepositions 4 - Justifications for choosing the answers

These are the justifications for selecting the answers

1. The Chairman of Ford said he was born --------- this business
(a) for  (b) in   (c) over
Explanation: You can be born in a specific business or into a business
2. What does the Ford chairman mean --------- this statement?
(a) against  (b) by   (c) in
Explanation: What do you mean by ----------------------?
3. One of the problems many foreign students encounter is trying to translate the new language -------------- their native languages.
(a) to  (b) with  (c) into
Explanation: We always translate language A into language B.
4. The G-8 $20 bn fund should be given in the form of supplies, fertilizers and --------------- Agricultural Development Programs
(a) through   (b) by  (c) over
Explanation: Something will be given through a program or by someone.
5. The best advice received by the daughter of Playboy Magazine Founder is that business is always ---------------- negotiation
(a) for  (b) of  (c) about 
Explanation: Business is about negotiation. Business means negotiation. My business is for profit. 
6. However, negotiation involves a lot ------------- give and take       
(a) of   (b) to   (c) over
Explanation: We always use a lot + of                                                                  
7. I work ----------- an energy distribution company                   
(a) into  (b) in   (c) to
Explanation: I work in a company = inside a company
                       I work at a company = I work at a fixed address of the Company
8. Which Department or Section do you work ---------?
(a) in   (b) for  (c) against
Explanation: Always work in a department. To work for a department = to represent a department. Example - A lawyer works for a department when there is a problem with the Justice.
9. The tendency today is the renewables, or the alternative -------- petroleum.
(a) for  (b) with  (c) to
Explanation: A is an alternative to B.
10. But, how do the renewables differentiate themselves --------- the traditional source?
(a) with  (b) from   (c) against
Explanation: A is different from B. To differentiate A from B. The key word is different.
11. The IBM ad asked, “how much did we spend ---------- energy last year”?
(a) on   (b) at  (c) in
Explanation: We spend money on something. 
12. ---------------- what circumstances do you consider a price just?
(a) on  (b) under   (c) at
Explanation: We can use in or under for circumstance
13. How would you contribute to the environment – going to work ------- car, bus, and bicycle or ----------- foot?
Explanation: we travel by car, by train, by bus, and on foot. 
(a) by/by  (b) with/by  (c) by/on
14. I want to stop --------- and see my brother. He is -------- town.
(a) by/in   (b) at/on   (c) through/by
Explanation: To stop by = to stop temporarily when a person is traveling to a place
                        We can say to stop at somewhere (city, shopping cetre, museum, etc.) 
15. There should be a limit --------- which a country’s population can grow.
(a) at  (b) by  (c) to
Explanation: A limit to reach.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Dependent Prepositions 4 - Answer key

1b   2b   3c   4a   5c   6a   7b   8a   9c   10b   11a   12b   13c   14a   15c

Friday, July 17, 2015

Dependent prepositions 4

Complete these sentences with the correct prepositions
1. The Chairman of Ford said he was born --------- this business
(a) for  (b) in   (c) over
2. What does the Ford chairman mean --------- this statement?
(a) against  (b) by   (c) in
3. One of the problems many foreign students encounter is trying to translate the new language -------------- their native languages.
(a) to  (b) with  (c) into
4. The G-8 $20 bn fund should be given in the form of supplies, fertilizers and --------------- Agricultural Development Programs
(a) through   (b) by  (c) over
5. The best advice received by the daughter of Playboy Magazine Founder is that business is always ---------------- negotiation
(a) for  (b) of  (c) about 
6. However, negotiation involves a lot ------------- give and take       
(a) of   (b) to   (c) over                                                                 
7. I work ----------- an energy distribution company                   
(a) into  (b) in   (c) to
8. Which Department or Section do you work ---------?
(a) in   (b) for  (c) against
9. The tendency today is the renewables, or the alternative -------- petroleum.
(a) for  (b) with  (c) to
10. But, how do the renewables differentiate themselves --------- the traditional source?
(a) with  (b) from   (c) against
11. The IBM ad asked, “how much did we spend ---------- energy last year”?
(a) on   (b) at  (c) in
12. ---------------- what circumstances do you consider a price just?
(a) on  (b) under   (c) at
13. How would you contribute to the environment – going to work ------- car, bus, and bicycle or ----------- foot?
(a) by/by  (b) with/by  (c) by/on
14. I want to stop --------- and see my brother. He is -------- town.
(a) by/in   (b) at/on   (c) through/by
15. There should be a limit --------- which a country’s population can grow.
(a) at  (b) by  (c) to

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

crossword puzzle answer key


Vocabularies related to hiring and firing - crossword puzzle


Do the crossword puzzle with the following words:

Compensation package
Made redundant
Severance package
Labor union
Health plan
401k contribution
Pension plan
Maternity leave
Sick leave
Labor Rights
Labor Laws
Golden Parachute
Income Tax deduction
Early Retirement.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Vocabulários relacionados a contratação de empregado

As palavras a seguir são usadas na hora de contratar empregado. Estas são:

Contracting = contratação
Hiring = contratação
Integration = integração
Labor rights = direitos empregatícios 
Vacation = ferias 
Sick leave = licença 
Maternity leave = licença de maternidade
Labor Union = sindicato
Salary/wage = salario
Compensation package = pacote de remuneração
401(k) contribution = contribuição para previdência privada
Pension plan = plano de previdência privada
Health plan = plano de Saúde
Income tax deduction = dedução de imposto de renda
Dismissed = desligado
Fired = demitido
Sacked = demitido
Terminated = terminado
Laid off = mandado embora
Made redundant = desligado
Early retirement = aposentadoria precoce 
Severance package = recisão  

Friday, July 10, 2015

Vocabularies related to hiring and firing

The following words listed below are generally used during hiring and firing of people. They are:

Labor rights
Labor Union
Compensation package
401(k) contribution
Pension plan
Health plan
Income tax deduction
Laid off
Made redundant
Early retirement
Severance package
Golden parachute