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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Dependent prepositions 3

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition
1. Whoever has knowledge ------ crime and did not report it ------ police also commits a crime.                
(a) of/of   (b) to/to   (c) of/to
2. Or whoever is aware ------ crime, but did not report it ------ police also commits a crime.
(a) of/to   (b) of/of   (c) to/to
3. You should always keep ------ mind that business is always -------- making profit.
(a) on/for   (b) in/about   (c) to/for
4. I have some doubts ----- the best way to proceed.  (a) against   (b) to   (c) about
5. I am -------- doubt ---------- the best way to proceed.
(a) in/about   (b) to/of   (c) on/about
6. I can only buy consumer electronics which are ----------- guarantee.
(a) of   (b) for   (c) under
7. In big cities, people are always ------ a hurry.   (a) on   (b) in   (c) with
8. The 2016 Olympics was given ------- Brazil, taking no notice ------- Chicago.
(a) to/to   (b) to/of   (c) for/with
9. It is good to do things ------- no obligation.      (a) under   (b) for   (c) into
10. Volunteer workers take pleasure ----------- helping people
(a) for   (b) to   (c) in
11. Dictators like being ---------- power.        (a) with   (b) in   (c) for
12. People tend to be creative when they have need ------------ something.
(a) for   (b) to   (c) against
13. People are tried even without having the intention -------- committing a crime.
(a) of   (b) for   (c) to
14. This situation in no. 13 arises because these people do not have information ------- law proceedure
(a) for   (b) in   (c) about
15. In this situation, the accused insist -------- their innocence.
(a) with   (b) on   (c) in

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Construção de perguntas 2

Escrevem perguntas que têm as seguintes respostas:

Pergunta: Where are you from? 
1. I am from Brazil

Pergunta: How long have you been living in the USA?
2. I have been living in the USA for 5 years

Pergunta: How old are you?  = What is your age?
3. I am 50 = I am 50 years old

Pergunta: Where do you work?  = What do you do?
4. I work in General Motors

Pergunta: What do you do in your company?
5. I am responsible for technology 

Pergunta: How many friends do you have?
6. I have many friends

Pergunta: What do you do on weekends?  = When do you go to the beach?
7. I go to the beach on weekends

Pergunta: How far is your house from your work?  = Where do you live?
8. I live about 2 km from my work

Pergunta: How do you go to work?
9. I go to work by car

Pergunta: In which department do you work?
10. I work in the Social Welfare Department of the Ministry of Education

Pergunta: Who is your favorite singer? 
11. My favorite Singer is Marisa Monte

Pergunta: What was the name of your primary school teacher?
12. The name of my primary school teacher was Helen

Pergunta: How are you?
13. I am fine thanks, and you?

Pergunta: How many children do you have?
14. I have 3 children

Pergunta: Which language do you speak in Russia?
15. We speak Russian in Russia.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Construção de perguntas

Escrevem perguntas que têm as seguintes respostas:

1. I am from Brazil

2. I have been living in the USA for 5 years

3. I am 50 = I am 50 years old

4. I work in General Motors

5. I am responsible for technology 

6. I have many friends

7. I go to the beach on weekends

8. I live about 2 km from my work

9. I go to work by car

10. I work in the Social Welfare Department of the Ministry of Education

11. My favorite Singer is Marisa Monte

12. The name of my primary school teacher was Helen

13. I am fine thanks, and you?

14. I have 3 children

15. We speak Russian in Russia.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Os títulos de alguns cursos de ensino superior - Sistema Educacional Americano

Medicina  = medicine 
Graduação = Medical Doctor (MD)
Pós graduação = MS; Phd

Engenharia = engineering
Graduação = Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) 
Pós graduação = Master of Science in Engineering (MSE); Phd

Direito = Law
Graduação = Juris Doctor (JD)
Pós graduação = Master of Laws (LLM); Phd

Ciência de computação = Computer Sciences
Graduação = Bachelor of Science in Computer Sciences (BSCS)
Pós graduação = Master of science in computer sciences (MSCS); Phd

Química = chemistry
Graduação = Bachelor of science in chemistry (B.S.Ch)
Pós graduação = Master of science in chemistry (M.S.Ch); Phd

Física = physics
Graduação = Bachelor of science in Physics (B.S.Ph)
Pós graduação = Master of science in Physics (M.S.Ph); Phd

Enfermagem = nursing
Graduação = Bachelor of science in Nursing (BSN)
Pós graduação = Master of science in Nursing (MSN); Phd

Arquitetura = architecture
Graduação = Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch)
Pós graduação = Master of Architecture (M.Arch); Phd

Engenharia ambiental = environmental engineering
Graduação = Bachelor of science in environmental engineering
Pós graduação = Master of science in environmental engineering      
                         (M.S.Env.E); Phd

Farmácia = pharmacy
Graduação = Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (B.S.P.S)
Pós graduação = Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (M.S.P.S);

Gestão de políticas públicas = public policy administration
Graduação = Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA) 
Pós graduação = Master of Public Administration (MPA); DPA

Ciências exatas = physical sciences
Graduação = Bachelor of Sciences (BS)
Pós graduação = Master of Science (MS); Phd

Humanas = humanities
Graduação = Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Pós graduação = Master of Arts (MA); Phd

Odontologia = dentistry
Graduação = Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (B.S.D)
Pós graduação = Master of Science in Dentistry (M.S.D); D.S.D

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Nomes de cursos de ensino superior

O presente post vai mostrar os nomes de alguns cursos de ensino superior em Inglês e em Português. São eles:

Medicina  = medicine
Engenharia = engineering
Direito = Law
Química = chemistry
Física = physics
Enfermagem = nursing
Ciências atuariais = actuarial sciences
Arquitetura = architecture
Ciências exatas = physical sciences
Economia = economics
Engenharia ambiental = environmental engineering
Estatística = statistics 
 Farmácia = pharmacy
Gestão de políticas públicas = public policy administration
Terapia ocupacional = occupational therapy
Humanas = humanities
Odontologia = dentistry
Segurança pública = Law enforcement
Tecnologia em soldadem = welding technology
Gestão de vida selvagem = wildlife management
Empreendedorismo = entrepreneurship

O próximo post versará sobre seus respectivos títulos.

Friday, June 26, 2015

A diferença entre a frase afirmativa e a pergunta

A seqüência que segue a frase afirmativa em Inglês, obrigatoriamente, é:

                  Sujeito ------ verbo ------ objeto 

Por outro lado, a seqüência de pergunta é:

                   Verbo ------- sujeito ------ objeto

Exemplos de uso são mostrados a seguir, com posição de verbo e sujeito indicado em negrito.

Pergunta: Where are you from?
Resposta: I am from Brazil

Pergunta: What is your nationality?
Resposta: I am a Brazilian

Pergunta: When is your birthday anniversary?
Resposta: It is in March
It is on Monday
It is on the 9th of March

Pergunta: How often do you read English books?
Resposta: I always read English books

Pergunta: How long does it take you to read the book?
Resposta: It takes about 2 hours

Pergunta: How much did you pay for the English book?
Resposta: I paid $40
               I bought the book for $40

Pergunta: How far is your house from your work or school?
Resposta: It is about 10 km

Pergunta: What do you do?
Resposta: I am an engineer

Pergunta: What is your profession?
Resposta: I am an engineer

Pergunta: What did you study at the college?
Resposta: I studied engineering

Qual são os objetos de frases acima?

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Response to the Wh- questions

(1) Where are you from?
I am from Brazil

(2) What is your nationality?

(3) When is your birthday anniversary?
It is in March
It is on Monday
It is on the 9th of March

(4) How often do you read English books?
I always read English books

(5) How long does it take you to read the book?
It takes about 2 hours

(6) How much did you pay for the English book?
I paid $40
I bought the book for $40

(7) How far is your house from your work or school?
It is about 10 km

(8) What do you do?
I am an engineer

(9) What is your profession?
I am an engineer

(10) What did you study at the college?
I studied engineering

(11) What is your major?
My major is civil engineering

(12) When did you graduate from college?
I graduated from college in 1985.

(13) When are you going to graduate from college?
I am going to graduate in 2017

(14) How do you go to work or school?
I go to work by bus

(15) Who was your best teacher?
My best teacher was Helen
Her name was Helen