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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

How to identify words that go together


How can we determine the words that will go together with following words?

(1) awareness, image

for awareness, we always use the word "create" and have. For image, we can say create image, have image, get image. When we have a list of words, we need to use the one is the most restrictive to select the word combination. For example, the controlling word should be awareness because it forms compound words with only few words. 

(2) plan, trip

We say make a plan, prepare a plan, have a plan, execute a plan.

We say make a trip, prepare for a trip, go on a trip, etc. So, the common word combination for the two is to make a plan or make a trip. 

(3) exchange, market

Exchange occurs when you give one thing and receive something in return for it. Market is where the exchange occurs. Stock exchange market is the market where stocks are exchanged although some call it the stock market. The name NYSE is called the New York Stock Exchange. That means a place or market where people buy and sell stocks. In the past, we used to exchange products for products or services for services (trade by barter). Market is the place where exchange occurs. Today, we pay money instead of exchanging products although it is not a perfect exchange. So, what exchange do we actually do today in the sense of exchanging products for products? The answer is money or what we call currencies. I can buy one currency with another currency. So, which words go together with exchange and market? The answer is currency. We have currency exchange and currency market. Currency exchange is what happens when you buy another currency like the USA dollar, Swiss Franc, etc. and where you buy them are called Exchange Houses. Currency Market is where people trade or speculate on currencies all day.     

(4) leader, share

 We say someone is a leader. If it a company, we say the company is a market leader in its segment. And someone has a share of something means the person has some percentage of that. So, a market leader has more participation in the segment than other companies. so, the common word should be market. That gives market leader and market share.   

(5) coverage, broker

Coverage means area or volume or size under consideration for a specific purpose. For example, we say disease coverage, sanitation coverage, healthplan coverage, insurance coverage, etc. A broker is a middle man or an intermediary of any type of business. But, regulations generally require them for investing in stock market or in the insurance segment. Since broker is obligatory in order to have insurance policy, the common word for the two words is "insurance". So, we say insurance coverage and insurance broker.

     These steps should always be taken to find a word that is common to a list of given words. Write your comments in the comment section if you have any doubts about this topic.

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