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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Present continuous - uses

Em que situações se use "present continuous tense"? Os últimos posts mostram três situações em que se usa present continuous tense. São:

(1) para falar sobre o que está acontecendo no momento;

Exemplo: I am studying English Language now

(2) para falar sobre evento agendado no futuro; 

Exemplo: I am going on vacation next month

(3) para falar sobre uma situação temporária.

Exemplo: (a) My friend is staying in a hotel because his house was destroyed.
               (b) The economy of the Country is growing 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Business English: Present continuous 3 - resposta

Business English: Present continuous 3 - resposta: Qual é a função de "Present continuous" nas seguintes frases? (1) My friend is staying in the hotel because his house was des...

Present continuous 3 - resposta

Qual é a função de "Present continuous" nas seguintes frases?

(1) My friend is staying in the hotel because his house was destroyed.

(2) The economy is going down and unemployment is going up

(3) The National soccer team is not playing well

(4) He is not making enough money, but his boss promised to promote him soon.


A função de present continuous nas frases acima é de mostrar situação temporária. 
Por exemplo, a pessoa está morando no hotel temporariamente porque a casa dela foi destruída. Portanto, essa é a terceira função de present continuous.  

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Business English: Present continuous 3

Business English: Present continuous 3: Qual é a função de "Present continuous" nas seguintes frases? (1) My friend is staying in the hotel because his house was des...

Present continuous 3

Qual é a função de "Present continuous" nas seguintes frases?

(1) My friend is staying in the hotel because his house was destroyed.

(2) The economy is going down and unemployment is going up

(3) The National soccer team is not playing well

(4) He is not making enough money, but his boss promised to promote him soon.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Business English: Present continuous para futuro

Business English: Present continuous para futuro: As seguintes frases de present continuous são usadas para descrever eventos no futuro. São: (a) I am going back to work next week.   (...

Present continuous para futuro

As seguintes frases de present continuous são usadas para descrever eventos no futuro. São:

(a) I am going back to work next week. 

(d) I am gong on vacation in December.

(f) We are having meeting immediately after the English class.