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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Business English: Vocabulários relacionados a internet

Business English: Vocabulários relacionados a internet: Os seguintes vocabulários são usados quando falamos sobre internet. São: (1) Access (acesso) (2) Homepage (3) Download files (baixar arq...

Vocabulários relacionados a internet

Os seguintes vocabulários são usados quando falamos sobre internet. São:

(1) Access (acesso)
(2) Homepage
(3) Download files (baixar arquivo)
(4) Online
(5) Phishing
(6) Internet Security (Avast, AVG)
(7) Search Engine (Google, Yahoo, etc.)
(8) Key word  (palavra chave)
(9) Website address  (endereço)
(10) ISP - Internet Service Provider (provedor de internet = Net, Vivo, etc.)
(11) Email - Electronic mail (correio eletrônico) 
(12) www - World Wide Web
(13) Navigation (navigação)
(14) @ = at
(15) . = dot (ponto)
(16) / = forward slash (barra)
(17) \ = backward slash (barra no sentido contrário)
(18) A-B = hyphen (hífen)
(19) A_B = underscore
(20) AB = underline  (sublinhar)
(21) Hyperlinks
(22) File (arquivo)

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Business English: Abreviações do vocabulário corporativo

Business English: Abreviações do vocabulário corporativo: As seguintes abreviações são usadas no vocabulário corporativo. CEO - Chief Executive Officer COO - Chief Operating Officer CTO - Chief ...

Abreviações do vocabulário corporativo

As seguintes abreviações são usadas no vocabulário corporativo.

CEO - Chief Executive Officer
COO - Chief Operating Officer
CTO - Chief Technical Officer
CMO - Chief Marketing Officer
CSO - Chief Sustainability Officer 
CIO - Chief Information Officer 
C-Suit - Corporate Suit
CRO - Chief Risk Officer
CFO - Chief Financial Officer

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Business English: Como escrever Tag questions 1 - Resposta

Business English: Como escrever Tag questions 1 - Resposta: Exemplo - You go to work every day,  don't you? (1) She helps her mother prepare food, doesn't she? (2) Their families used...

Como escrever Tag questions 1 - Resposta

Exemplo - You go to work every day, don't you?

(1) She helps her mother prepare food, doesn't she?
(2) Their families used to live in this neighborhood, -----------------------?
(3) Your brother traveled to Disney last year, didn't he?
(4) Our teacher has corrected the homework, hasn't he/she?
(5) He is from Japan, isn't he?
(6) Don't turn on the television, will you?
(7) Let's go shopping, shall we?
(8) Open the window for me, won't you?
(9) Our parents must go to work, mustn't they?
(10) She is a good person, isn't she?