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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Lojas de compras 6 - preços

Escreva os preços dos seguintes itens:

Bread =  
Meat = 
Stamps = 
Food items = 
Clothes = 
Shoes = 
Construction materials = 
Newspapers and magazines = 
Dollar = 
Food =  
Car = 
Flower = 
Toys = 
jewelry = 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Lojas de compras 5 - Resposta

Where do you buy the following items from?

(1) I always buy bread from "Três irmãos" bakery and sometimes from "Extra" 
(2) I buy meat from "Carrefour Grocery" 
(3) I buy stamps and envelopes from the Post Office 
(4) I go to the Pão de Açúcar to buy food items 
(5) I buy clothes from "Marisa"  
(6) My shoes are from Mondial 
(7) I always buy construction materials from C&C. 
(8) I buy jewelry from Rommanel

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Lojas de compras 4

Quais são os nomes de lojas de onde você compra os seguintes itens?

Bread =  
Meat = 
Stamps = 
Food items = 
Clothes = 
Shoes = 
Construction materials = 
Newspapers and magazines = 
Dollar = 
Food =  
Car = 
Flower = 
Toys = 
jewelry = 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Lojas de compras 3

Nos compramos os seguintes itens de lojas abaixo:

baker's shop = bread (pão)
butcher's shop = meat (carne)
Post Office = stamps (selo)
grocery store = food items (itens para preparar comida)
cloth shop = clothes (roupa)
shoe shop = shoes (sapato)
construction material store = construction materials (material de construção)
newsstand = newspapers and magazines (jornais e revistas)
money exchange house = money (dinheiro)
restaurant = food (comida)
car dealer's shop = cars (carro)
florist = flower (flores)
toys store = toys (brinquedos)
jewelry store = jewelry (bijuteria)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Lojas de compras 2

O que você compra nessas lojas?

baker's shop
butcher's shop
Post Office
supermarket = grocery store
cloth shop
shoe shop 
construction material store
money exchange house
car dealer's shop
toys store
jewelry store 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Lojas de compras 1

Os nomes de lojas de compras em Inglês são:

Padaria = baker's shop
Açougue = butcher's shop
Correios = Post Office
Supermercado = supermarket = grocery store
Loja de roupa = cloth shop
Loja de sapato = shoe shop 
Loja de material de construção = construction material store
Banca de jornal = newsstand
Casa de câmbio = money exchange house
Restaurante = restaurant 
Agência de carro = car dealer's shop
Loja de flores = florist
Loja de brinquedo = toys store
Loja de bijuterias = jewelry store 


Friday, September 11, 2015

Completando-se frases: Resposta

(1) How can I get to MASP?
(2) How long is Ibirapuera Park from here?
(3) Where is Ipiranga Museum?
(4) How far is the University of São Paulo from downtown?
(5) How long does it take to get to FIESP Head Office?
(6) Is there any hospital around here?
(7) Where can I buy medicine?
(8) Do you know any Post Office near here?

(9) Can you tell me how to find the way to Paulista Avenue?