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Sunday, September 6, 2015

My neighborhood - Resposta

As perguntas 1-6 servem para todos os locais. A pergunta 7 depende da atividade realizada no local.  

(1) How can I get to Morumbi Shopping Center?
(2) Where is the Morumbi Shopping Center?
(3) Is the Morumbi Shopping Center near here?
(4) How far is the the Morumbi Shopping Center from here?
(5) How many minutes will it take me to get to the Morumbi Shopping Center from here?
(6) Do you know any Shopping Center around here?

(7) Where can I change money here? = shopping center
(7) Where can I withdraw money here? = banks
(7) Where can I watch soccer/shows here? = stadium
(7) Where can I pray here? = church/mosque/temple/synagogue
(7) Where can I post letter here? = post office
(7) Where can I see the doctor here? = hospital
(7) Where can I take university course here? = college
(7) Where can I make complaint/police statement here? = police station
(7) Where can my children study here? = school
(7) Where can I watch plays here? = theater
(7) Where do I call to stop fire here? = fire station
(7) Where can I read books here? = library
(7) Where can I fill my tank here? = gas station
(7) Where can I find job here? = factory

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Meu bairro (my neighborhood) 2

Como se faz perguntas sobre os locais do seu bairro? 

Escreva as perguntas para ajudar estrangeiro a localizar os seguintes locais:  

Shopping center
Post office 
police station
fire station
public library
gas station


Friday, September 4, 2015

Meu bairro 1

Alguns lugares que podem ser encontrados no meu bairro são:

Shopping center = Shopping center
Bancos = banks
Estádios = stadiums
Igreja = church
Mesquita = mosque
Templo = temple
Sinagoga = synagogue 
Correio = Post office 
Hospital = hospital
Faculdade = college
Delegacia = police station
Escola = school
Teatro = theater
Brigada de incêndio = fire station
Biblioteca pública = public library
Posto de gasolina = gas station
Fabrica = factory

Monday, August 31, 2015

Exercíco sobre frações - resposta

1/20 = one-twentieth
1/9 = one-ninth
1/16 = one-sixteenth
1/20 = one-twentieth
2/7 = two-seventh
2/30 = two-thirtieth
2/6 = two-sixth
2/8 = two-eight
7/10 = seven-tenth
9/27 = nine-twenty seventh
3/9 = three-ninth
8/9 = eight-ninth

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Exercício sobre frações

Escreva as seguintes frações.

1/20 =
1/9 =
1/16 =
1/20 =
2/7 =
2/30 =
2/6 =
2/8 =
7/10 =
9/27 =
3/9 =
8/9 =

Escrevendo frações em Inglês

Os números referentes a usuários de internet do exercício anterior, ora representados em porcentagens e decimais, podem também ser representados como frações. As seguintes frações são comuns em Inglês:

1/2 = one-half
1/3 = one-third
1/4 = one-fourth = one-quarter
1/5 = one-fifth
1/6 = one-sixth
1/10 = one-tenth

2/3 = two-third
2/5 = two-fifth

3/4 = three-fourth = three-quarter
3/5 = three-fifth
3/8 = three-eight

4/5 = four-fifth
4/6 = four-sixth

5/6 = five-sixth
5/8 = five-eight